Bacterial vaginosis as a factor in pregnancy complications (literature review)
women, bacterial vaginosis, pregnancy, etiology, diagnosis, treatmentAbstract
Aim - to analyze the current literature on etiopathogenetic factors, diagnosis and treatment of bacterial vaginosis in cases of vaginosis and improve treatment methods for this pathology Changes in the size of the body due to the passage of vaginosis.
The article shows the relevance of the problem of bacterial vaginosis in the whole world. The etiopathogenetic factors that determine the cause of illness during pregnancy are examined. The emphasis is placed on complications caused by bacterial vaginosis in vaginal patients. The effectiveness of methods for diagnosing bacterial vaginosis in women has been analyzed. The prospects for the use of antibacterial drugs and antibiotics in pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis are examined. The tactics for preventing pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis have been assessed.
Conclusions. Despite modern diagnostics and pharmacological means, the problem of detecting and treating bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women remains difficult, as the morphological polymorphism, species diversity of pathogens complicates diagnosis, and the wide spread of drug-resistant strains reduces the effectiveness of treatment, leading to relapses of the disease. During pregnancy in patients with BV, only women with persistent symptoms are subject to observation and in cases where treatment is prescribed to reduce the risk of premature birth and other complications, re-diagnosis should be carried out after one month and further treatment should be offered in case of recurrence of bacterial vaginosis.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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