The influence of environmental factors on the mineral profile of children and the immune response to citomegalovirus infection
children, mineral profile, macro- and micronutrients, citomegalovirus infection, immune responseAbstract
Aim - determination of the mineral imbalance influence in children, who are living in areas of a large city with different environmental characteristics, on the immune response to cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI).
Materials and methods. 128 children with CMVI were examined and distributed depending on the environmental conditions of the residence area and the disease's activity: I group - 66 children, who lived in a conditionally clean district (CCD): I-a - 40 children with latent CMVI (lCMVI), I - b group - 26 children with active CMVI (aCMVI); II group - 62 children from a conditionally dirty district (CDD): II-a - 34 children with lCMVI and II-b group - 28 children with aCMVI. The indicators of the children's mineral profile were determined in the hair by the methods of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and γ-activation analysis. The state of the cellular and humoral immunity, the levels of interleukins were studied in the blood serum. The obtained data were processed by the StatSoft Statistica 6.1 program.
Results. The children with lCMVI, who living in CDD, had a significant increase of the Sr, Cr, Pb, Ni, Zn levels, a decrease of Cu and Fe in hair samples and significantly higher indicators of IL-1β and TNF-α, which were determined in comparison with the indicators of children from CCD. The direct correlation was established between the content of Pb, Ni, Sr, Cr in hair samples and an increasing the levels of anti-inflammatory interleukins.
Conclusions. Living of children in conditionally polluted areas of a large city is a risk factor for the formation of macro- and microelement imbalance with the accumulation of conditionally toxic elements. It has been proven that an imbalance of the mineral profile negatively affects the immune response in children with lCMVI.
The study was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee for all participants. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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