The quality of sexual life and general health of women with precancerous lesions of the vulva
quality of life, sexual activity, vulvar squamous intraepithelial neoplasia, differentiated intraepithelial dysplasia of the vulva, Paget's disease of the vulva, vulvar skin melanoma, SF-36 quality of life questionnaireAbstract
In recent decades, the number of young women with vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia has increased. The frequency of this pathology doubled in all age groups. These diseases are chronic and in many women significantly affect their physical, psychological and sexual health.
The aim was to study the general quality of life and sexual activity of women with precancerous vulva pathology.
Materials and methods. Were examined 258 women with lesions of the vulva (VHSIL; dVIN; Paget's disease of the vulva grade Ia; melanoma in situ of the vulva) aged from 25 to 70 years, as well as 60 gynecologically healthy women (30 women under 50 years old, 30 from 50 years old). The data was obtained from anamnesis and filling in by women of a specially developed questionnaire about their sexual life and behavior. In addition, quality of life was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire.
Results. Was registered statistically significant decrease quality of life indicators according the SF-36 questionnaire in women with precancerous vulva diseases: physical functioning, role-related physical functioning, general health, social functioning, psychological health - by an average of 1.41 times; role emotional functioning - by 1.62 times. Were revealed statistically significant differences in the quality of sexual life: 21.84% of patients in the VHSIL group were never or rarely satisfied with it at this time; 42.21% of women with dVIN; 88.89% of patients with Paget's disease of the vulva; 50.00% of patients with melanoma in situ.
Conclusions. A characteristic feature of the quality of life of patients with precancerous lesions of the vulva is a significant decrease in the integral assessment of vitality, role-emotional functioning, and the psychological component of health. Compared to healthy women, women with precancerous lesions of the vulva have a reduced frequency of sexual life, satisfaction with current sexual activity, and less interest in sex.
The study was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The research protocol was approved by the Institution's Local Ethics Committee. Informed consent was obtained for the research.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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