The effect of drug dependence on the level of lipid peroxidation in women with chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs caused by sexually transmitted infections




lipid peroxidation, drug addiction, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, sexually transmitted infections, antioxidant system, medication correction of changes


Oxidative stress, induced by drug addiction, and its consequences for women's reproductive health, especially in the context of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), is one of the significant areas of impact.

Aim - to assess the effect of drug addiction on the level of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in women with chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which will allow to further determine the ways of correcting the detected changes.

Materials and methods. The study investigated the level of LPO in 60 women with chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs caused by sexually transmitted infections and with drug and psychotropic substance dependence. Women were divided into 3 groups depending on the quality of drugs and psychotropic substances they abused: the Group 1 - 25 women addicted to several drugs; the Group 2 - 25 women addicted to opioids; the Group 3 - 10 women addicted to sleeping pills or sedatives.

The intensity of LPO and the state of the antioxidant system were assessed by the spectrophotometric method. Statistical data processing was performed using the “Data Analysis” package in Microsoft Excel.

Results. The study showed that women with drug addiction exhibit increased levels of LPO, indicating a disruption of the antioxidant system and increased formation of free radicals. This can cause damage to cellular membranes and other biomolecules. The use of synthetic opiate receptor antagonist drug in treatment contributed to the normalization of these indicators, pointing to the restoration of the antioxidant system and reducing the risk of further oxidative stress.

Conclusions. Drug dependence causes an increase in oxidative stress in women with STIs, which negatively affects their reproductive health. The synthetic opiate receptor antagonist drug can be effective in reducing the levels of LPO and improving the condition of patients.

The research was conducted according to principles of Declaration of Helsinki. Protocol of research was proved by local ethical committee, mentioned in institution’s work. Informed consent of women was obtained for the study.

No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.


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