Peculiarities of the hormonal function of the placenta in women who had complications from the group of major obstetric syndromes, clinically manifested by placental insufficiency
pregnancy, major obstetric syndromes, placental insufficiency, placental hormones, estradiol, progesterone, placental lactogenAbstract
Purpose - to study the peculiarities of the hormonal function of the placenta during pregnancy in women who had complications from the group of major obstetric syndromes (MOS), clinically manifested by placental insufficiency, in order to further develop an algorithm for the prevention of this complication.
Materials and methods. During the gestational process, the content of hormones: estradiol (E2), progesterone (PG), human chronic gonadotropin (hCG) and placental lactogen (PL) was determined in 99 pregnant women - the main group (MG) who had complications from the group of MOS, placental insufficiency (PI). The control group (CG) consisted of 50 practically healthy pregnant women with a healthy reproductive history and an uncomplicated course of this pregnancy, Statistical processing of research results was carried out using standard Microsoft Excel 5.0 and Statistica 6.0 programs.
Results. During the entire gestational period, the level of E2, PL, hCG, and PG in pregnant women with MOS (MG) is significantly lower than in pregnant women with CG (p<0.05). In the dynamics of the gestational process in MG patients, there is a significant lag in PG level indicators compared to indicators in CG: in 9-28 weeks - 46.4±4.24 nmol/l versus 162.6±22.10 nmol/l, respectively; p<0.05 (3.5 times less), in 29-34 weeks - 128.9±6.80 nmol/l versus 294.2±34.62 nmol/l, respectively; p<0.05 (2.3 times less), in 35-41 weeks - 148.2±2.26 nmol/l versus 434.6±56.70 nmol/l, respectively; p<0.05 (2.9 times less).
Conclusions. From the early stages of pregnancy, moderate hormonal dysfunction was detected in pregnant women with MOS in the form of a probable decrease in the levels of PL, PG, E2 and hCG compared to similar indicators in CG. In the future they have an unstable state of impaired placental hormonal function, which leads to the exhaustion of the adaptive reserves of the system mother-placenta-fetus in the form of a violation of the synthesis of key regulatory hormones responsible for the favorable course of gestation, the development and functioning of intrauterine life support systems.
The research was conducted according to principles of Declaration of Helsinki. Protocol of research was proved by local ethical committee, mentioned in institution’s work. Women's informed consent was obtained for the study.
No conflict of interests was declared by the author.
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