Lyme carditis in an adolescent (сlinical case)
сhild, Lyme disease, carditis, two-stage laboratory testAbstract
In recent years, the number of registered cases of Lyme carditis has been increasing.
Purpose - to increase the vigilance of clinicians in various fields of medicine regarding Lyme carditis and awareness of its clinical manifestations on the example of the following clinical case.
An empirical, descriptive study of a clinical case of Lyme pericarditis in a child from an endemic area was conducted. The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The research protocol was approved by the bioethical commission of the hospital. Patient consent was obtained. An analysis of the literature data of PubMed, Medscape, СDC was also carried out.
Clinical case. The paper describes a clinical case of a teenager with manifestations of pericarditis as a complication of Lyme infection with manifestations of untreated erythema migrans several months after a tick bite. The appointment of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs did not bring relief.
Conclusions. Alertness to Lyme carditis is important in the diagnosis of infectious nosologies. Lyme carditis should be considered in the differential diagnosis in patients with signs of myocardial ischemia in children with bradycardia living in endemic areas. For differential diagnosis, a two-step serological blood test is required, especially the use of screening tests for antibodies to Borrelia by ELISA with further confirmation by Western blot analysis.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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