Multisystem inflammatory syndrome MIS-C in children after COVID-19 infection
child, COVID-19, pericarditis, exanthema, multisystem inflammatory syndromeAbstract
In recent years, the number of reported cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C - Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children) in children after COVID-19 infection has been increasing. This syndrome usually manifests itself 4-8 weeks after the disease. It is necessary to learn how to diagnose it in time and prevent possible complications from the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and other systems, and to pay attention to the prevention of children from COVID-19 infection through vaccination.
Purpose - to analyze the information from the current professional literature on the peculiarities of diagnosis, course and treatment of MIS-C in children after COVID-19 infection to expand the knowledge of doctors about this pathology by presenting clinical case.
We present a clinical case of MIS-C in a child after COVID-19 infection. The literature data from PubMed, Medscape, CDC, Mayo Clinic were analyzed. The peculiarity of the presented case is the long-term damage to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, skin lesions, and the development of iron deficiency anemia. During her hospital stay, the girl's condition was severe due to asthenic, anemic syndrome, and cardiovascular damage.
Conclusions. The presented clinical observation confirms the complexity of the algorithm for diagnosing complications of COVID infection in children, especially in their asymptomatic course. Thus, pediatricians should be alert to the development of multisystem inflammatory syndrome MIS-C in children after COVID-19 infection and increase the level of knowledge about the correct diagnostic algorithm in such cases.
The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. The informed consent of the child’s parents was obtained for the study.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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