Psychoemotional disorders in pregnant women and women in childbirth. Analytical review and practical aspects of the problem in Ukraine
psychoemotional disorders, pregnant women, perinatal complications, obstetric complications, gestational complications, adverse behavioral changes, exacerbation of mental disorders, stress disorderAbstract
Psychoemotional disorders during pregnancy significantly affect the health of the mother and fetus.
Purpose - to provide an analytical review of available sources on the impact of psycho-emotional stress disorders in pregnant women on the health of the mother and fetus to improve the provision of medical care to this population category.
Among the negative consequences, the consequences in the mental and medical spheres should be divided. In the medical field, gestational complications are noted, for example, premature birth, obstetric complications, the most common of which are preeclampsia, eclampsia, anemia, gestational diabetes, placenta previa, vaginal bleeding, and consequences for the fetus, most often low weight and developmental delay in cardiovascular, nervous system, organs of vision.
Among the psycho-emotional effects on the mental sphere, groups are divided: exacerbation of an existing disease, the appearance of new disorders, most often post-traumatic stress disorder, and negative consequences due to changes in behavior, for example, child care and the use of psychoactive substances. It has been proven that negative perinatal consequences occur precisely in the presence of stress disorders, and are less pronounced, for example, in depression.
During the war in Ukraine, Ukrainians were exposed to excessive stress. This is especially noticeable among vulnerable sections of the population, such as pregnant women. This category of persons is in the field of action of obstetrician medical workers, who often lack time to properly assess mental disorders and refer patients to psychiatric specialists. Another problem is stigma - a prejudiced attitude towards specialists in the field of health care.
Currently, there is quite limited data on psychoemotional disorders in pregnant women and women in labor. This literature review provides data from world literature and describes the peculiarities of the organization of assistance in the field of health care in Ukraine during the war.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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