Тhe impact of bullying on children’s health and overcoming its consequences in the conditions of marital state (literature review)
bullying, stress, mental health, physical health, military condition, childrenAbstract
Purpose - to analyze data from the literature on the characteristics of bullying, its impact on the mental and physical health of children, and ways to overcome and prevent the consequences of this condition during the military invasion of Ukraine.
For this, a search in scientometric databases was carried out, and a review of modern domestic and foreign medical literature, periodical publications, and official electronic resources was made. A review of the literature was conducted, which showed that the problems of school bullying and the consequences associated with it worsen not only mental and physical health but also have a negative impact on the quality of education of the younger generation. Bullying statistics regarding the number of completed administrative protocols in Ukrainian schools from 2019 to 2023 are given and analyzed. At the same time, human rights organizations noted that bullying was modified and became latent under martial law. It is emphasized that cases of bullying have a causal relationship with mental and physical health in adulthood. It is noted that starting in 2020, our country and the whole world will be celebrating the International Day of Combating Violence and Bullying at School. Forms of bulling, types of aggression and styles of behavior are described. It was noted that one of the important reasons for the spread of bullying is, unfortunately, its ignoring by adults. It is emphasized that children who differ in some way from others suffer most often from bullying.It is noted that under martial law, school bullying occurs more often in relation to temporarily displaced persons. It is emphasized that solving the problem of school bullying is possible through compliance with the principle of comprehensiveness between the administration of the institution, its employees, and parents. The main actors in the field of violence prevention and countermeasures who provide assistance outside educational institutions are listed. It is noted that the help and prevention of bullying consists of teaching the child to resist victimization. The role of the school nurse in the multidisciplinary medical team in overcoming the problems of school bullying and its consequences is noted. Recommendations for searching for information on organizations dealing with bullying issues on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine are highlighted. It is emphasized that the most effective actions that contribute to reducing the number of cases of violence in the educational environment are systematic educational activities on non-violent behavior, implementation of high-quality preventive programs, and the promotion of anti-bullying policies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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