Tourniquet syndrome in children (literature review and own observation)
tourniquet syndrome, hair bundle syndrome, ischemia, necrosis, strangulation, children, foot, fingerAbstract
Tourniquet syndrome is a complex of pathological changes that occur in response to strangulation circular compression of part/parts of the body or organ, characterized by neurovascular disorders that can lead to the development of necrosis and gangrene. Strangulation of soft tissues can occur with various fibrous materials - wool, cotton, various cords, jewelry, Christmas tree decorations. In children, the most common cause of strangulation is hair and threads, in adults - jewelry.
Purpose - to draw the attention of the medical community to a rare pathology, the tourniquet syndrome in children, which, despite its rather characteristic picture, is not always immediately recognized, which can lead to serious consequences.
The leading etiological factor in the development of tourniquet syndrome can be postpartum telogen outflow in mothers, which is manifested by a large amount of hair prone to loss. The authors recognize the toes as the most frequent localization of the strangulation hair bundle in tourniquet syndrome, the II and III toes of the feet and hands are more often caught in the loop. Also, it is not uncommon for several fingers to be entwined. With tourniquet syndrome, a complication in the form of necrosis of the fingers, which requires their amputation, is about 7% of all cases of finger and foot pathology. Quick recognition and removal of the tourniquet for genitaltourniquet syndromeprevents devascularization of the clitoris and penis and their possible self-amputation.
Conclusions. Hair bundle syndrome, or tourniquet syndrome, most often occurs in young children and can have serious consequences. To prevent this phenomenon, children’s clothes should be checked for the presence of threads and loops on the inside, the presence of piles of hair and threads in the “blind” parts of the clothes, turn the clothes inside out before washing, which helps prevent the accumulation of future bundles. It is also recommended that mother and child sleep separately. In case of injuries of the upper limbs, it is recommended to know jewelry from the fingers. Alertness about tourniquet syndrome will help avoid serious complications in children. It should also be remembered about the intentional cruel treatment of children with the imposition of potential bounties.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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