Hysterectomy during the menopausal transition as a predictor of metabolic disorders
uterine fibroids, climacteric syndrome, metabolic syndrome, hysterectomy, estrogen-dependent conditions of the female body, perinatal losses in history, body mass indexAbstract
Although data on the decrease in ovarian function after hysterectomy (GE) are found in literature sources, the nature of changes in the hormonal and metabolic profile, its chronological sequence, the issue of the relationship with the development of metabolic syndrome (MS), even in the case of preservation of ovarian tissue, remain controversial and fragmented, which served as an impetus for conducting this study.
Purpose - to assess the risk of metabolic disorders after GE during the menopausal transition.
Materials and methods. A comprehensive assessment of the long-term consequences of GE was carried out in 160 women of the menopausal transition age. Metabolic homeostasis parameters were evaluated before surgery and in dynamics after surgical intervention (after 12 months). Risk factors were identified during a general clinical examination, based on anamnestic data. Indicators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism were evaluated in the examined women. Inclusion criteria: the age of the menopausal transition, GE due to benign uterine pathology, the patient's consent to participate in the research.
Results. Analysis of carbohydrate metabolism indicators showed an increase in the HOMA-IR index and postprandial glucose level, changes in the lipid profile. When comparing clinical symptoms and laboratory research methods, in 34.37% of cases, the formation of MS was noted one year after GE. Based on multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression, the following risk factors for metabolic disorders were found to be statistically significant: high body mass index, waist circumference above 80 cm, age older than 45, climacteric syndrome, GE.
Conclusions. A high body mass index, a waist circumference greater than 80 cm, the presence of signs of the climacteric syndrome, GE and age older than 45 years show the association with the development of metabolic disorders in the distant postoperative period, and their combined effect increases the risk of their development. These factors at the preoperative stage can serve as prognostic markers of metabolic disorders in the distant postoperative period.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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