Disorder of nose breathing in children: causes, consequences, modern views on correction and prevention (literature review)
children, nasal breathing disorders, saline solutionsAbstract
Purpose - to analyze data from scientific sources on the causes, consequences, and current views on the correction and prevention of nasal breathing disorders.
The authors have provided and systematized information on the peculiarities of the structure and functioning of the upper respiratory tract in children of various ages. The causes and consequences of nasal breathing disorders have been established. From the standpoint of modern international recommendations, the principles of correction of nasal breathing disorders and expanded views on the possibilities of prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract are evaluated.
Conclusions. Nasal obstruction in childhood is the most common problem that can lead to negative consequences, and the nasal mucosa in young children needs regular care and hygienic cleaning. The use of the new medical product PSHIK MINI allows for high-quality, effective and safe moisturizing and cleansing of the nasal mucosa of children as a preventive and, if necessary, therapeutic procedure.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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