Long-term consequences of the coronavirus infection: review of scientific sources
endothelial disfunction, disorders of endothelial function, complication, coronavirus infection, COVID-19, SARS-COV-2Abstract
Data on the disease of COVID-19, given in the open literature sources, shows the presence of long-term consequences after this infection, especially in cohorts of patients with chronic pathology. More and more published data indicates that long-term clinical symptoms are also observed in cohorts of children.
Purpose - to study the disorders of endothelial function in patients after COVID-19 based on the analysis of data from current clinical studies
Thus, according to the results of the CLoCk study, it was found that among children infected with SARS-CoV-2, 52.2% reported about one or more symptoms after 4 weeks, and 37.7% observed at least one symptom for 12 weeks or longer. At the same time, fatigue and headache were most common symptoms among children after three months after coronavirus infection. Older children (12-17 years old) showed such symptoms as «brain fog» (11.3% - cognitive dysfunction, problems with memory and concentration) and bad mood (15.6%). Official data from the UK Office for National Statistics show that 9.8% of children aged 2-11 and 13.0% aged 12-16 had at least 1 symptom that lasted for 5 weeks after COVID-19.
Conclusions. The results of current clinical trials show endothelial dysfunction as the consequences of infection, which arises as a result of direct coronavirus invasion, and could be the basis of microvascular damage and microcirculatory thrombosis, which leads to the development of systemic manifestations and long term consequences, regardless of age.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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