To the relevance of the problem of alimentary diseases in children
children, alimentary diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, nutritionAbstract
Purpose - to highlight the problem of alimentary diseases in childhood and their connection with the factors of unbalanced nutrition.
An analysis of the literature on the role of unbalanced nutrition in the development of alimentary diseases in children and adolescents was carried out. The source of information for the analysis of questionnaires of adolescents (864 children) was the Ukrainian snippet of the international program ELSPAS (Europea Longitudinal Childhood), which made it possible to identify the interrelation of the nutritional characteristics of children with the risk of developing alimentary diseases.
According to the data from the literature and our own research, changes in the structure of non-infectious morbidity in both the adult and child population in the 20th-21st centuries due to an increase in the frequency of alimentary diseases are associated with a tendency to nutritional disorders, namely, unbalanced nutrition. Studies, conducted within the department indicate significant nutritional deficiencies of adolescents and young children, which contributes to the development of alimentary diseases in this group of patients.
The article shows the importance of the role of food as a risk factor for the development of inflammatory bowel disease due to the imbalance of the diet in terms of energy value, the prevalence of unrefined fats and carbohydrates in the diet, the lack of plant fiber, etc. This makes it possible to scientifically substantiate preventive programs to diagnose nutritional disorders in children and adolescents to prevent complex disabling diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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