On the issue of acute pancreatitis in children
pancreas, children, pancreatitis, etiology, diagnosisAbstract
Purpose - to analyze modern approaches to understanding classification, etiopathogenesis, principles of diagnosis of pancreatitis in children.
The pancreas has an important role in the processes of adequate digestion and assimilation of nutrients, as it ensures the fermentation of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The problem of pancreatitis in pediatrics worries not only domestic specialists, it is extremely important for study by the medical community in the world. Experts of the European Pancreatic Club focused on the fact that the incidence of acute pancreatitis has increased over the last 10-15 years and is 3.6-13.3 cases per 100,000 children. Taking into account such statistics, acute pancreatitis leaves the rubric of rare diseases, as it approaches the frequency in adults. It is important to understand the leading etiological factors of pancreatitis in childhood, as they are not identical to those in adult patients. However, the etiological factors in children are not of the same type according to the data of various studies. For example, according to the results of a twelve-year research in the USA, the dominant causes of pancreatitis in children were biliary tract problems (36.2%) and drug use (25.6%). Among sick children living in India, the causes were mostly injuries (21%) and biliary pathology. One of the latest data obtained in the study of children in the USA shows the structure of etiological factors: idiopathic (31%) and the influence of medications (23%). Analysis of the clinical course of the first episode of pancreatitis in children revealed that age, male gender, pancreatic necrosis and a higher body mass index were associated with the formation of a recurrent course. However, it is necessary to take into account possible anatomical anomalies of the biliary tract, hyperlipidemia and genetic factors. Modern guidelines and clinical recommendations for the diagnosis of pancreatitis in children mostly coincide and suggest taking into account the existing clinical symptoms and their consistency with the data of additional research methods.
No conflict of interests was declared by the author.
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