Clinical course of pregnancy and delivery after assisted reproductive technologies in the background of sexually transmitted infections




sexually transmitted infections, assisted reproductive technologies, course of pregnancy, course of childbirth


Purpose - to reveal the features of the course of the disease, childbirth, and the postpartum period in patients after assisted reproductive technologies (ART) against the background of sexually transmitted infections in the anamnesis.

Materials and methods. 132 women with infertility on the background of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the anamnesis standard preparation for the ART program was carried out, of which 55 women completed the ART program with pregnancy and were included in the main group. The control group is 30 pregnant women without a period of infertility who became pregnant on their own. Statistical processing of research results was carried out using standard programs Microsoft Excel 5.0 and Statistica 8.

Results. Pregnancy and childbirth in women after ART with a history of STIs occurs with a significantly high frequency of the following complications: threat of termination of pregnancy - 9 (16.4%); reproductive losses in the first half of pregnancy - 10 (18.2%); carrier of chronic viral and bacterial infection in the first half of pregnancy - in all women; early development of preeclampsia - 6 (13.3%); placental dysfunction - 26 (57.8%); fetal growth retardation syndrome - 17 (37.8%); fetal distress - 10 (22.2%); premature birth - 12 (26.7%); and high frequency of caesarean section - 40 (88.9%).

Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that the development, implementation and application of an improved algorithm of pre-gravid preparation in women with a history of STIs before the ART program is relevant, which, in our opinion, can have a positive effect on the obstetric consequences of the delivery of these women.

The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.

No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.


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