Modern concept and organization of medical nutrition for children in health care institutions of Ukraine
medical nutrition, modern conception components, methodology of prescription, dietitian, dietitian nurseAbstract
The system of diets according to groups of diseases (Pevzner’s diets), developed back in the 1920s, was the basis of medical nutrition in the USSR and for about 20 years in Ukraine. The lack of diseases effective treatment schemes and measures caused such a long period of its use.
The aim of present investigation is to highlight the main principles of modern concept of medical nutrition in pediatrics and to describe main aspects of methodology of its apporintment.
In recent decades, ideas about the pathogenesis of various pathologies have changed, new effective methods of therapy have been introduced, and modern challenges (such as overweight or food allergies) have intensified. On the one hand, this required individualization, and on the other, it made it possible to liberalize the diet of patients. According to the new concept of dietary nutrition, all patients need a diet that is adequate in terms of energy value and balanced in terms of the composition of the most important nutrients, taking into account the stage of the disease and individual characteristics of the child’s organism (intolerance of certain products, food preferences etc.). A peculiarity of the methodology of prescribing medical nutrition for children is taking into account the physiological needs of the child for his age. The persons responsible for the organization of medical nutrition in health care institutions are a nutritionist and a dietitian nurse.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
Keywords: medical nutrition, modern conception components, methodology of prescription, dietitian, dietitian nurse.
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