Implementation of the adapted Grifits scale in the Ukrainian pediatric area
early age children, psychomotor development of preschool children, somatoform disorder, follow-upAbstract
Despite of the lot of development assessment tools during last three decades long-term adverse effects of premature infants and techniques determining the extent of violations, no study has provided a comprehensive overview of these tools, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
In the structure of long-term adverse effects of premature birth remains a high frequency of neurological disorders that require further improvement of diagnostic methods and timely correction to improve the prognosis of further development.
Purpose - to improve the long-term effects of preterm birth by using an adapted Griffiths scale in preschool children.Materials and methods. An assessment of the psychomotor development of 105 preschool children was estimated. Assessment of psychomotor development was performed using an adapted Griffiths scale and a well-known method. During the study, this category of children was under the supervision of follow-up doctors to systematically assess their health. Dynamic examination was performed during the first year of life once every 3 months, from the second to the sixth year of life - according to the individual rehabilitation plan. Patients (n=105) were divided into 3 groups depending on the severity of disabling pathology.
Results. According to the results of the survey, it can be reveal that more than 70% of respondents had the equivalent of delayed psychomotor development of various patterns. Тhe analysis of the assessment of psychomotor development showed that the structure of the causes of delayed psychomotor development in preschool children has the same trend for different methods of examination, however, the Griffiths Adapted Assessment demonstrates more accurate patient-specific outcomes, allows for the rapid detection of long-term adverse effects of preterm birth, recommendations for infants and families to develop an individual rehabilitation and habilitation program, and examinations in dynamics.
Conclusions. It has been established that the adapted Griffiths psychomotor development scale is a valid diagnostic tool in the cohort of preschool children in order to determine psychomotor development indicators, calculate the child's intellectual coefficient and form an individual patient profile.The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local ethics committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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