Modern strategies of prophylaxis of chasse of cervix of the uterus. Realities of present time (literature review)
human papilloma virus, cervical cancer, vaccination, cornavirus diseaseAbstract
The role of human papilloma virus in the development of cervical cancer and other diseases of the anogenital area is proven and well known. Despite this, there is an annual increase in the incidence of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer screening is a population-based set of organizational and medical measures aimed at early detection of precancerous and tumorous diseases of the cervix and to reduce mortality in this group of patients. After the discovery of the viral nature of cervical cancer and the introduction of a number of methods to detect human papilloma virus — HPV testing has become important. Diagnosis of cancer in the early stages increases the likelihood of an effective response to organ-sparing surgical treatment, increases the patient's chances of survival and allows the use of less expensive treatments. HPV screening is sensitive not only to the detection of precancerous diseases, but also significantly reduces the incidence and mortality from cervical cancer, which is the main indicator of its effectiveness. However, specific antiviral treatments for human papillomavirus have not been developed, and vaccination is the only effective way to prevent cervical cancer and other associated diseases. The prevalence of papillomavirus infection has increased more than 10-fold in the last decade. One of the key points in cervical cancer prevention is vaccination. Routine HPV vaccination is recommended at the age of 11–12 years and can also be given from the age of 9; vaccination is recommended for all people under the age of 26 who did not pass the procedure on time; when vaccinating persons <15 years of age, it is recommended to administer the vaccine according to a 2-dose schedule. Individuals with human immunodeficiency virus and other immunosuppressed conditions should receive a 3-dose vaccination. In countries where human papillomavirus vaccination is widely used, the incidence rates show a decrease in the incidence of cervical cancer. The coronavirus pandemic threatens to disrupt vaccination against human viral papilloma in low- and middle-income countries, which negatively affects the strategy to eliminate cervical cancer. The WHO Global Response to the COVID Pandemic has been a catalyst for innovation and adaptation at the health system level that can be used to improve access to and dissemination of information in the context of HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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