Immunopathological value of interleukin-1β and interleukin-10 in lark fluid in children under 15 months
interleukin-1β, interleukin-10, regulation of inflammationAbstract
Purpose — to determinate local immunity of the organ of vision in dacryocystitis in children under 15 months, study the effect of a microbiological preparation containing Escherichia Coli and Enterococcus faecalis (probiotics — Symbioflor) on it, as well as determinate the effectiveness of treatment with these drugs.
Materials and methods. Were studied immunograms in children under 15 months of age. Lacrimal fluid was collected using microcapillary pipettes to collect biological fluid. The study patients had not previously received any eye drops one week prior to tear collection and no therapeutic treatment. We examined 74 children, divided according to age, gender and diagnosis into two groups: group 1 (healthy). 18 somatically relatively healthy children without identified ophthalmological problems; group 2 (patients) — 56 somatically relatively healthy children with a confirmed diagnosis of neonatal dacryocystitis Each group is divided into three groups (up to 6 months, 7–12 months, 13–15 months). All patients underwent general clinical laboratory research.
Results and conclusions. In patients with neonatal dacryocystitis, the content of IL-1β in the lacrimal fluid is significantly higher than normal values, and IL-10 is below the age norm. The use of probiotics makes it possible to stabilize the content of IL-1β in the tears of patients with dacryocystitis of newborns. The use of this class of drugs does not affect the composition of the tears of healthy children, no changes are observed. The use of probiotics can be recommended in the complex treatment of neonatal dacryocystitis, since the drug is safe and helps to stabilize the local immunity of the conjunctival cavity.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local ethics committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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