Types and devices for smoking and their harmful effects on the human body





smoking, cigarettes, nicotine, electronic cigarettes, IQOS, hookah, snus


The literature review focuses on the prevalence of smoking among the population, the types of smoking devices and their negative impact on public health. The article presents the composition of traditional cigarettes and alternative types of smoking, analyzes the data of smoking statistics in the world. The smoking habit has been known since 2000 BC, when American Indians inhaled the smoke from burning the leaves of the plant Nicotiana tabacum, in the 20th century became an epidemic and killed more than 100 million people, and according to forecasts in the XXI century, this figure may grow in order. It is alarming that in recent decades, in addition to traditional cigarettes, alternative types of smoking have become popular, especially among adolescents and young people, namely electronic cigarettes (E-cigarettes, vapes), tobacco heating devices (IQOS), and sometimes products. With low tobacco content (snuff, chewing tobacco, etc.). In addition, hookah remains fashionable and sometimes prestigious among young people, which also has a detrimental effect on the human body. Smoking both traditional cigarettes and alternative types is one of the important medical and social problems both in Ukraine and around the world, as it is widespread and available. Smoking is a risk factor for human health and, as a result, an increase in nicotine-related mortality. At the same time, smoking is the only cause of illness and death that can be eliminated. Today, smoking is considered not as a bad habit, but as a chronic disease, prone to recurrence, even long after smoking cessation. There are no safe types of smoking, active and passive smoking are equally harmful to the body, which undermines human health and threatens his life. Smoking is especially dangerous for adolescents and young adults. The fight against smoking remains a key factor in the recovery of the nation. Smoking cessation is not only a matter of prevention, it should be considered as one of the appointments for the patient in the treatment of any disease and rehabilitation, because without it there will be no success in treatment and health.

No conflict of interest was declared by the author.


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