Colon epithelial barrier state in children with varios types of ulcerative colitis clinical forms




ulcerative colitis, children, epithelial barrier, mucins, clubs


Purpose — analyse the state of the epithelial barrier of the colon in children with different clinical forms. Materials and methods. 42 children with acute chronic colitis were examined, including 28 with ulcerative colitis (14 with active total form, 14 with moderately active segmental); and 14 with chronic non-specific opaque colitis formed a comparison group. Laboratory methods were performed on all patients — hemogram, protein-gram, blood biochemistry, fecal calprotectin concentration; endoscopic examination with biopsy of all colon regions and histological examination of biopts.

Results. The clinical manifestations of ulcerative colitis (UC) during the acute period were assessed by the Paediatric Activity Index (PUCAI) and depended on the localization and activity of the inflammatory process. The average for active colitis was found to be 50.2±1.8, moderate to 35.3±1.7, minimum to 24.1±1.2, but for children with total active inflammation 19 per cent of patients had the highest rates: 65, which corresponded to clinical signs of ulcerative colitis, accompanied by unidirectional changes of surface (dystrophic changes of epithelium, crypt deformation, reduced number of flax cells) and deep (diffuse inflammatory infiltration of its own plate, presence of crypt abscesses, cryptites, vascular dilation) structures of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, which are more pronounced in the active total forms of ulcerative colitis. The period of UC exacerbation is characterized by the violation of the epithelial barrier mucous membrane colon due to reduced mucus synthesis and changes

in its biochemical properties, low secretory (MUC2) and membrane-associated (MUC4) expression Mucins, mainly in the active total forms of UC, loss of the regulatory effect of the club peptide on regeneration and protection of the mucous membrane of the intestine.

Conclusions. Studies based on a pathogenetic approach to determining the cause of the exacerbation of the disease have shown evidence of a significant role in the epithelial barrier of the colon membrane, This is a significant addition to the known knowledge of ulcerative colitis pathogenesis in childhood.

The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of these Institutes. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.

The authors declare no conflicts of interests.


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