Indicators of humoral immunity of patients with neonatal sepsis under different conditions of environmental pollution of parents' places of residence
neonatal sepsis, pollution, immunoglobulinsAbstract
The aim is to determine the indicators of humoral immunity of patients with neonatal sepsis under different conditions of environmental pollution of their parents' places of residence.
Materials and methods. 260 patients with neonatal sepsis born to parents who lived in different environmental conditions were examined. An environmental risk factor (CER) was proposed as a group-forming feature of a comprehensive assessment of the long+term load of anthropogenic air, water and soil pollution in the regions of the region on the body of parents of newborns, taking into account the environmental situation in regional centers.
Results. The level of IgA in the serum of patients with neonatal sepsis in group I was 0.82±0.11 g/l against 1.54±0.23 g/l (p<0.05) in group II, the level of IgG in children I groups — 4.27±0.45 g/l against 6.67±0.77 g/l (p<0.05) of group II. The decrease in IgM content had no significant differences, but there was a tendency to reduce its level in children of group I.
Conclusions. The constant residence of parents in areas with a high risk of adverse effects of these environmental factors on their body (ERF<2.0) contributed to a decrease in the level of immunoglobulins A, M, G in the serum of patients with neonatal sepsis, compared with newborns whose parents lived in areas with a low risk of adverse effects (ERF<2.0), and were more likely to have severe neonatal sepsis.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of these Institutes. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
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