The review of scientific papers on the problem of perinatal care for pregnant women with newly diagnosed benign breast tumors during pregnancy
benign breast tumors, pregnancyAbstract
The article presents a review of scientific papers on the problem of perinatal care for pregnant women with newly diagnosed benign breast tumors during pregnancy. Our interest in this issue is due to an increase in the frequency of detection of benign breast tumors during pregnancy in Ukraine. It is well known that against the background of diffuse or localized hyperplastic processes in the mammary gland, cancer occurs many times more often than in intact mammary glands. All of the above, dictates the need to adhere to the principle of multidisciplinarity and succession between obstetrician-gynecologists, mammologists, oncologists and family doctors in the management of this patient population, with the aim of timely detection and adequate surgical treatment of these tumors during pregnancy with its preservation.No conflict of interest were declared by the authors.
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