Intrauterine growth restriction in the structure of perinatal losses




intrauterine growth restriction, perinatal mortality, perinatal outcomes, stillbirth


Purpose — to determine the role of fetal growth retardation in the structure of stillbirth by a retrospective analysis of the history of childbirth.
Patients and methods. a retrospective analysis of the course of 532 single pregnancies ended in stillbirths that occurred during the period from 2014–2018 in gestation periods of 23–40 weeks in the Zaporizhzhia region was carried out. Criteria for exclusion from the study were: multiple pregnancies, the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, undefined gestational age in the first trimester.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of perinatal losses in the Zaporizhzhia region over the past five years showed an increase in perinatal mortality due to the number of stillbirths. The results of the study allowed us to establish that the vast majority of women with FGR belong to the low-risk group (women without somatic pathology and complicated pregnancy). High rates of perinatal mortality in the Zaporizhzhia region indicate the problem of both timely diagnosis of FGR and tactics of further pregnancy management. Nowadays, predicting the risk of antenatal death in fetuses with FGR remains an unresolved problem.
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of this Institute. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interest were declared by the authors.


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